Monzo acts to convince customers to make Monzo their primary bank account and go #FullMonzo
Monzo along with Starling Bank have undoubtedly seen strong growth in account sign ups over the last 12 months, especially since introducing mass advertising, with Monzo claiming significant uplift immediately following their recent TV campaign.
There have been questions though as to whether customers are adding these accounts as an extra account or making them a primary account. In an announcement from Starling Bank, CEO Anne Boden states “For our personal account customers, 32% of active users deposit at least £1,000 into their account per month” (suggesting a primary account). In light of this, Monzo’s new social advertising caught our eye. The testimonial driven headline on this ad: “Why you should make Monzo your main bank, according to people who have”, leads to the following testimonial page and suggests you’ll then want to go #FullMonzo by making Monzo your main account.