Personal Banking

CommBank add more personalisation and budgeting tools to new app and support roll out with advertising

August, 2019

CommBank add more personalisation and budgeting tools to new app and support roll out with advertising

August, 2019

CommBank has unveiled its new banking app, promising to bring greater personalisation, tailored specifically to the individual needs of each customer, with personal cash flow management and smart alerts - including Smart Alerts, Benefit Finder, Goal Tracker, Cash Flow View and Spend Tracker.

"It's a fresh new look and feel - it's quite unbank-like," says Chief digital officer Pete Steel, "Combining functionality and the power of AI and data to bring things to customers' attention quicker, better than ever before."

The new app will be able to tell customers how much they are spending on subscriptions such as streaming services, online news or gym memberships, and it could alert them when these services raised their prices. Steele said “A lot of money goes out with regular subscriptions, so we’re challenging customers, just to show them, are they spending the right amount, are they aware of it all?”

The app will also highlight ways to avoid bank fees and changes, such as by paying credit card balances in full and on time (see print ad below advertising this feature).

It will also ask customers in advance if they want to be alerted when they receive a tax return.  Once the tax refund had arrived, Mr Steele said the bank could send a real-time alert "to say 'hey we suggest' – it’s always the customer’s decision - 'we suggest you think about paying off some of that debt that you’ve got, or investing it for a rainy day’.”

Watch the introductory video here.

Advertising to support the new app features includes the following print ads, in the simple and "no-nonsense" tone of voice style of all recent CommBank advertising:

Prints Ads